
Replay is a project that began in a sustainable design class dictated by Ann Savageau; a design teacher at UC Davis. The idea of this class was to aware students to recycle and reuse useless solid waste, to create sustainable design objects.


In this case, the vinyl record, LP, or gramophone disc; was the main element to transform, and give a different function from the usual.


Vinyl or PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is the material used for manufacturing LP discs. It is highly polluting for the environment, since it is not biodegradable, and releases toxins when it is deposited in landfills.


One area in which LP’s are making a comeback is as decorative home items. Clocks, cup holders, pots, napkin holders, ashtrays, DVD holders, book covers, among others; can be transformed easily into stylish designed products as Replay proposes.


Besides the creation of several articles, the brand was designed, and applied in product labels.


Deliverables: Articles, Logo, and Vinyl Disc Labels.

Branding, Other, Print
Andres, Andrés Velasco, Ann Savageau, Branding, Design, Editorial Design, Freelance, Freelance Graphic Designer, Freelance Graphic Designer Miami, Graphic Design, Graphic Design Miami, Graphic Designer Miami, LP, Miami, Miami Art, Miami Art and Design, Packaging, Recycle, Replay, Reuse, Sustainable, UC Davis, Upcycle, Velasco, Vinyl, Visual Communications, Visual Communications + Design